
[3-6岁英文动画片] 美音动画片 Peep and the Big Wide World 小鸟趣事多1-4季带字幕+音频MP3 百度云网盘


[3-6岁英文动画片] 美音动画片 Peep and the Big Wide World 小鸟趣事多1-4季带字幕+音频MP3 百度云网盘

咿呀学语 发表于 2019-3-6 13:59:50 浏览:  8852 回复:  44 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

小鸟趣事多 Peep and the Big Wide World 英文版基本信息

Peep and the Big Wide World
动画集数◇:英文版1-4季 共110集

动画语言◇:英语发音  外挂英文字幕

小鸟趣事多 Peep and the Big Wide World 英文版动画简介

《小鸟趣事多》Peep and the big wide world的主角是一只黄色的小鸡仔Peep,两个最重要的配角是一只红色的小鸟Chirp和一只蓝色的鸭子Duck。 Peep是一只出生不久的小鸡仔,她还没出生妈妈就走了,因此,孤身一人来到这个世界的她就显得尤为不谙世事。幸好,不久她就遇到了两个最好的朋友Chirp和Duck。Chirp的生活经验比Peep多,而且她很善良,性格也好。Duck是这三个动物中生活经验最丰富的,也是质量最大的,他会不时显出他的圆滑和狡黠,不过,总体来讲,Duck还是一个很善良的良师益友。


《小鸟趣事多》Peep and the big wide world用初生婴幼儿的视角去展示这个神奇世界琐琐碎碎的小细节,即使是春天开出的第一朵花也被展示得如此趣味丛生——这或许就是传说中的童趣吧,我们大人早已丧失了这份童真,但是,孩子会很喜欢的哦。因此,不妨和孩子们一起看看《小鸟趣事多》Peep and the big wide world,权当我们纪念自己已经失去的童心吧!

从语速和用词难度来讲,《小鸟趣事多》Peep and the big wide world比蓝色小考拉粉红猪小妹要难,每集的时长和max and ruby一样是8分钟。

从画面来讲,《小鸟趣事多》Peep and the big wide world的画面很简单,颜色也很干净简洁。看看下面的视频截图就知道,《小鸟趣事多》Peep and the big wide world的画面有多简单了,呵呵。Duck你要不知道duck是鸭子的意思,根本看不出来这是只鸭子。不知道孩子是不是能一眼看出来,不妨问问,呵呵。

本帖资源《小鸟趣事多》Peep and the big wide world一共有4季,第一季52集,第二季26集,第三季和第四季共32集。前4季avi格式。有可与视频同步的字幕+字幕文本(将字幕解压到视频一个文件夹里,播放时会自动加载)。纯正美式英语动画片。


1. 美音,共5季,每集9分钟
2. 语速适中,句子结构也适中(推荐接粉猪系列的班)
3. 趣味性超强
4. 友情和好奇心洋溢于每一集
5. 主角是一只小鸡,一只小鸟,一只鸭子

小鸟趣事多 Peep and the Big Wide World 英文版目录列表

01.Spring Thing
02.Springy Thingy
03.A Duck's Tale
04.Quack's Tracks
05.Quack and the Very Big Rock
06.Shadow Play
07.Current Events
08.Quack Loses His Hat
09.Night Light
10.Sounds Like...
11.The Windy Day
12.Peep Feet
13.Newton's Big Adventure
14.Peep Crosses the Road
15.Stormy Weather
16.Peep in RabbitLand
17.Quack's Stuck Stick
18.Peep's Can
19.Under Duck
20.All Fall Down
21.The Perils of Peep and Chirp
22.Hoop Tricks
23.Save It for Later
24.The Red Ballmoon
25.Chirp Builds a Nest
26.Stuck Duck
27.The Real Decoy
28.Peeps Lost Leaf
29.Birds of a Feather
30.The Incredible Shrinking Duck
31.Go West Young Peep
32.A Delicate Balance
33.The Fish Museum
34.Peep's Night Out
35.There's No Place Like Home
36.Flipping Newton
37.Chirps Flight Program
38.Mirror Mirror in the Dump
39.Bridge the Gap
40.Meeting Half-way
41.Peep Plants a Seed
42.The Root Problem
43.Hide and Go Peep
44.A Peep of a Different Color
45.That's a Cat
46.Faster Than a Duck
47.Quack Hatches An Egg
48.The Whatchamacallit
49.Wandering Beaver
50.Peeps New Friend
51.The Trip to Green Island
52.Give Me a Call

01.Finders Keepers
02.Quack Quiets the Universe
03.Peeps Moon Mission
04.The Many Moons of Quack the Duck
05.The Mystery of the Thing That Went and Came Back
06.Peep's Color Quest
07.Reflection Affection
08.Peep Deep in the Big Muddy
09.Snow Daze
10.Peep Prints
11.Dry Duck - Part 1
12.Dry Duck - Part 2
13.Count Them Out
14.Flower Shower
15.Quack Quack
16.One Quack Two Many
17.Chirp Sorts It Out (Sort Of)
18.Hear Here
19.Who Stole the Big Wide World
20.M-U-D Spells Trouble
21.Finding Time
22.Smaller Than a Peep
23.Stick With Me
24.Tree Feller
25.A Daring Duck
26.The Trouble With Bubbles

01.The Sound of Silence Part 1
02.The Sound of Silence Part 2
03.The Tooth, the Whole Tooth, and Nothing but the Tooth
04.The Winter of Quack's Discontent
05.Nosing Around
06.The Last Straw
07.The Disappearing Drink
08.Door Tour
09.In a Bind
10.Star Light, Star Bright
11.Big Bird
12.Chirp Flies the Coop
13.Bedtime Story
14.The Deep Duck Woods
15.I Spy a Spider
16.Robin in the Bat Cave
17.Marble Mover
18.Fair Shares
19.The Feats of Peep
20.Quack Goes Nuts

01.The Lurmies are Coming
02.Quack's Square Deal
03.An Inconvenient Tooth Part 1
04.An Inconvenient Tooth Part 2
05.Bringing Spring
06.Quack Pond Party
07.You Can Count on Bunnies
08.Falling Feathers
09.Magic Duck Dancing
10.Chirp, Chirp, Tweet, Tweet, Chirp
11.Trading Places
12.House Of Sand & Frog

小鸟趣事多 Peep and the Big Wide World 英文版情节截图


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