安迪在世界野生动物园工作,这是地球上最大最好的野生动物园,是全球动物的家园。他和他的老板哈蒙德先生以及技术奇才珍一起在那里工作,珍负责监控来自 Aqua 基地的所有动物。安迪探索世界各地的水域,与蓝鲸、火烈鸟、玻璃蛙等动物近距离接触。剧中安迪会缩小成跟这些动物一样大的尺寸,进而探索这些动物的日常。
01. Andy and the Blue Whale
02. Andy and the Sea Kraits
03. Andy and the Mudskippers
04. Andy and the Wood Ducks
05. Andy and the Galapagos Sea Lions
06. Andy and the Sarcastic Fringehead
07. Andy and the Flamingos
08. Andy and the Damselflies
09. Andy and the Glass Frog
10. Andy and the Weddell Seals
11. Andy and the Bottlenose Dolphins
12. Andy and the Caimans
13. Andy and the Chinstrap Penguins
14. Andy and the Pygmy Gecko
15. Andy and the Hawksbill Turtles
01. Andy and the Green Sea Turtles
02. Andy and the Fur Seal Pup
03. Andy and the Waved Albatross
04. Andy and the Baby Alligators
05. Andy and the Weedy Sea Dragon
06. Andy and the Walrus Pups
07. Andy and the Common Octopus
08. Andy and the Storm Petrel
09. Andy and the Tusk Fish
10. Andy and the African Elephants
11. Andy and the Saddleback Clown Fish
12. Andy and the Bald Eagles
13. Andy and the Sooty Tern
14. Andy and the Amazon Cichlid
15. Andy and the Sea Urchins